jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

The Planet

How do we see the world today?

The world today is very bad because of us humans that we are not conscious of the pollution of rivers, seas and soils, we also see that transport affect so much pollution they emit gases, companies that extract soil gas and seas as oil and gold etc ... we also see that deforestation and other activities we do greatly affect the planet. We can also see that there are negatives as there are positives and if people raise awareness about the planet and campaign for the collection of waste in seas, rivers, etc ... There are also people who make recycled houses, also use light water with solar panels, and use ecological transports. (Bikes)

What actions will be taken to protect the planet?

Sensitize us that the planet is at risk, making known that to other people, making ecological acts like planting, no waste contaminated with rivers and seas, avoiding deforestation destroy forests and using greener means caring deserts, lagoons , etc ... no need to use fuel vehicles as bicycles, recycling and separating organic waste, plastics, saving water and energy, reusing paper, helping causes of endangered animals, making good use of domestic services, not contaminated with waste electronic (batteries, chargers, batteries, computers, cell ... etc.), campaigning for clean rivers, lakes and seas.

How do we see the planet in 50 years?

There are two ways to look at positive and negative,

POSITIVEIf we become aware of what we do will be a greener more alive, less polluted, with countries without war, more wildlife, more flora, with a consciousness based on good habits, more organized, clean air planet technological advances for the benefit of the planet as solar chargers, electric cars ... etc.

NEGATIVEif we do not aware of water shortages, accelerating global warming, disputes between countries (wars), polluted air, no trees due to deforestation, many people without resources, destructive technology, no wildlife, no flora. People without conscience.

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