jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014



they were far less in the prehistoric age difference now, her dress was skin of different species, their diet was based on hunting, though not huts unfolded While speaking, they only had their signals, they lived in caves, or that manufactured wood, had no automatic transports, using pack animals like horses.


Today the world population is increasing their number, each technology is seen more attached to us, our food mostly comes with chemical processes to keep our clothes and textiles are derived from silkworms, cotton etc. with the advent of technology we have been able to move forward with the construction of houses, buildings, skyscrapers, too easily. Mobility also go along as we create cars that facilitate and shorten the long haul.


we will be more technological beings will rely totally on technology, and textiles will not come, we will only use magnetic clothes, just be change via a button, the food will be even processed, will be pills. the houses will be more self-sufficient, everything will be automatic by means of technology, the complimentary plus it will come very fast flying and opening or cars on earth functioned without gravity.

Present and Future of Communication

It all started with the revolution of the Internet media in the late twentieth century, which caused the disappearance of the old media. Although the reactions of the old world to prevent illegal copying and freedom offered by this new world, the media were digitized, and users. By now, anyone can now be both producer and consumer of information, and with the generalization of virtual worlds on the Internet, people can have multiple identities online. But, according to this video, in 2011 the turning point might have come as ad spending is on the network and digital newspapers have become a mass product where anyone can read anything.

Video Forecasts suggest that by 2015 the newspapers, television and digital terrestrial platforms disappear and be spent in the radio network. The media world is increasingly populated and only the biggest survive. In addition, we will see the purchase of Microsoft by Google and Yahoo! for Amazon, which will make them universal content leaders, along with CNN, BBC and CCTV. Static information is transformed into knowledge flow and the chosen advertising content creators and authors themselves to turn it into information, comparison and experience.

In 2020, Lawrence Lessin, author of Free Culture, will be the new Secretary of Justice of the United States and declares the copyright illegal. Devices appear to replicate the five senses and all have an avatar you find information, people and places in the virtual world for us. In addition, Google will launch a standard interface for avatars, Prometeus in 2022, and Amazon will create a platform to replicate reality Place. In 2027 the new Second Life, Spirit, which will allow users to share their memories, experiences and feelings, in addition to selling memoir will be a standard practice.

In 2050 Prometheus buy Places and Spirit and virtual life will be the largest market on the planet. In addition, the company financed space travel to find new spaces for their customers.

As the video says, "Experience is the new reality." A forecast that while bold, are attractive. Only wait to see if they meet in the future.

History of Communication

Starting from the beginning of time, cavemen communicated from noises and gestures communicated with other groups through smoke signals, the language is almost unfathomable mystery which gives rise to several theories believe that some words derive sounds of nature, or expressions of feeling like crying or joy.

The first people of the need to communicate the nature began to paint on the walls of caves and so marked the property of each tribe. As the years passed it was increasing the information and the need to pass it so we started writing "pictograph" which were symbols representing objects, each over the years began to use elements "ideographic" where the symbol is not represents only an object but also an idea and attributes associated with it. Since the drawings had meaning but not a serious phonetic signs representing specific sounds were produced.

Egyptian hieroglyphs went from "pictograms and ideograms" and developed some signs for consonants but never managed to create an alphabet. The Cyrillic alphabet is an adaptation of the Greek and Latin developed in Western countries with the domination of the Romans, with the progress of civilization and written languages ​​began distance communication by land and sea helping trade between nations and empires as writing material the Egyptians invented papyrus made ​​from the bark of the plant, while the rest of the world parchment made ​​from the skin of beef was used. Towards in 152 a.n.e Chinese paper was invented. This was a great success in Europe that caused a great demand for books. Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press that comprehensive study disproportionately. In the seventeenth century, there was what might be called in the future in the newspaper then corantos were initially contained commercial content that would progress to be news that would inform the people.

The printing techniques and applications developed by the increasingly rapid printing linotype arguably the most prominent machine. Throughout history it has always tried to develop media faster as pigeons away but the most notable would be the Persian relay system copied by the Romans.

The electromechanical telegraph morse let fly text quickly through cables also developed a code of stripes and dots that extend to everyone but you could only send messages letter by letter so they sought a way to send voice messages was achieved in 1876 with gramophone later to get on the phone.

Marconi radio with the first electric achievement send message without a physical medium as opposed to the phone or gramophone, so I patented the first radio station in 1906, in 1925 and worked six hundred radio stations worldwide.

Regarding the image with the greatest advance was kinetoscope which led to the first motion picture, then the union would sound visual images and audio. The transmission system remote motion picture begins with television, this is thanks to satellites quickly spread around the world. The greatest advance in communications - data-communication has occurred in the field of computer technology that allowed remote data transmission and communication across continents immediately with just one phone line .

Future of Transportation

Water Transport:


Let's see that as that humans grow older, so our ability to think ahead, this boat futuristic support echo and self-sustaining has a kind of pop-up "wings" would use energy from the sun, wind and waves the sea for their overall performance in high and low depth, much as it is futuristic and ecological fast can be used to pass or go for boats in tourist areas



Thanks to the Tokyo Motor Show were shown several car companies recognized as Mitsubishi, Jaguar, Ferrari, Audi, Nissan, Mercedes-Benz, its futuristic prototypes, as would be the remote autonomous self which is handled through mobile devices such as Tablet or Smartphone which allows users to provide remote control of objects like this, other cars would be augmented reality and video games that would provide real time information on the context in the car, and the state of health of the car, the idea is to implement a windshield with virtual information that helps the driver to make better decisions about which route to take, the distance between cars, other cars look so science fiction movie all cars looking for lower fuel consumption, use other alternative energy and reduce pollution.

Air Transport:


According to information from NASA these airlines are showing some of his futuristic designs, all ideas that were centraros greener aircraft that can consume up to 70% less fuel but still the same or faster, greener, with less noise and less harmful emissions to the environment, many of the other spacecraft designs appear normal but are all similar features to meet marketing.

Present of Transport

Water Transport:

Modern Boating:

The diesel engine has been for modern ships more economical operation has largely replaced the steam engines. The use of nuclear power on boats is currently restricted to military vessels. Other developments in modern navigation are the hovercraft, boat going on a cushion of aerated few inches of water or land; reactors equipped with or similar to those of an airplane or uprights, at a certain speed, the hull of the water rise to higher speeds wings


Within the last advances of man in water transport means, we find yachts are small vessels for the use of a small group of people, are equipped with the latest technological advances and can sail at sea.


Another important invention is the watercraft, which is the result of the human quest to create devices for fun, it is also used as a means of rescuing people with a water accident since they are fast and getting a little larger (for these uses).


the subway

It has been an effective means of transport in big cities because it consumes electricity, it is established underground and the maintenance cost is low and does not pollute.

The bullet train

We can observe the evolution of the railroad that has been refined and is more common in Japan.

The car

Arose varieties of cars and today's automotive industry is one of the largest and most important in the world, is regarded as a luxury and now can be seen today having a car is not a luxury, but a necessity.

Air Transport

Modern Aircraft

The aviation industry has achieved a major relevance because airplanes as fast as the speed of sound, space exploration ships, large passenger ships turning the world are manufactured. Among the most important passenger aircraft are:

·         Douglas DC-3
·         Boeing 747 (Jumbo Jet)
·         Concorde
·         Tupolev Tu-144
·         Airbus A380

Propeller aircraft and helicopter:

Arise in the First World War, but in the Second World War further development of propeller-driven aircraft is reached. Today has been replaced by aircraft powered by jet engine.

The helicopter reaches its fulfillment in the Second World War, now serves as an effective means of transport and service in big cities because most buildings and hotels have them. 

Past Transport


Rowing Boats:

Primitive boats were moved both hands and feet as a way tables with flat paddle. 


The car is the first application was the man gave the wheel to his own ends. The cart has two wheels and uses animal traction to achieve the displacement


The dream of every human being at any time has been flying with an envious view before the flight of birds, move, see other places from the perspective of space

The Planet

How do we see the world today?

The world today is very bad because of us humans that we are not conscious of the pollution of rivers, seas and soils, we also see that transport affect so much pollution they emit gases, companies that extract soil gas and seas as oil and gold etc ... we also see that deforestation and other activities we do greatly affect the planet. We can also see that there are negatives as there are positives and if people raise awareness about the planet and campaign for the collection of waste in seas, rivers, etc ... There are also people who make recycled houses, also use light water with solar panels, and use ecological transports. (Bikes)

What actions will be taken to protect the planet?

Sensitize us that the planet is at risk, making known that to other people, making ecological acts like planting, no waste contaminated with rivers and seas, avoiding deforestation destroy forests and using greener means caring deserts, lagoons , etc ... no need to use fuel vehicles as bicycles, recycling and separating organic waste, plastics, saving water and energy, reusing paper, helping causes of endangered animals, making good use of domestic services, not contaminated with waste electronic (batteries, chargers, batteries, computers, cell ... etc.), campaigning for clean rivers, lakes and seas.

How do we see the planet in 50 years?

There are two ways to look at positive and negative,

POSITIVEIf we become aware of what we do will be a greener more alive, less polluted, with countries without war, more wildlife, more flora, with a consciousness based on good habits, more organized, clean air planet technological advances for the benefit of the planet as solar chargers, electric cars ... etc.

NEGATIVEif we do not aware of water shortages, accelerating global warming, disputes between countries (wars), polluted air, no trees due to deforestation, many people without resources, destructive technology, no wildlife, no flora. People without conscience.