jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

Future of Transportation

Water Transport:


Let's see that as that humans grow older, so our ability to think ahead, this boat futuristic support echo and self-sustaining has a kind of pop-up "wings" would use energy from the sun, wind and waves the sea for their overall performance in high and low depth, much as it is futuristic and ecological fast can be used to pass or go for boats in tourist areas



Thanks to the Tokyo Motor Show were shown several car companies recognized as Mitsubishi, Jaguar, Ferrari, Audi, Nissan, Mercedes-Benz, its futuristic prototypes, as would be the remote autonomous self which is handled through mobile devices such as Tablet or Smartphone which allows users to provide remote control of objects like this, other cars would be augmented reality and video games that would provide real time information on the context in the car, and the state of health of the car, the idea is to implement a windshield with virtual information that helps the driver to make better decisions about which route to take, the distance between cars, other cars look so science fiction movie all cars looking for lower fuel consumption, use other alternative energy and reduce pollution.

Air Transport:


According to information from NASA these airlines are showing some of his futuristic designs, all ideas that were centraros greener aircraft that can consume up to 70% less fuel but still the same or faster, greener, with less noise and less harmful emissions to the environment, many of the other spacecraft designs appear normal but are all similar features to meet marketing.

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